We are responsible for municipal waste management in our operating area in Kanta-Häme, Southern Pirkanmaa and Central Uusimaa. The operating area includes 13 municipalities: Hattula, Hausjärvi, Hyvinkää, Hämeenlinna, Janakkala, Järvenpää, Kerava, Loppi, Mäntsälä, Nurmijärvi, Riihimäki, Tuusula and Valkeakoski.

The collected municipal waste is utilised as energy, with biowaste used as a raw material in processes producing bioethanol as a raw material for biofuel. We also conclude agreements on organised waste management in municipal areas and on recycling cooperation with producer associations. In addition, we take care of our part in the collection, transport and recovery of recyclable and hazardous waste, as well as of the existing and closed final disposal sites under our care and located in connection with our waste treatment sites, as required by law. We provide guidance related to all our operations and communicate actively to various target groups.
Our principle is sustainable development, in accordance with which we carry out our tasks in a responsible, environmentally friendly, safe, economical and efficient manner. The cornerstones of our operations are a satisfied customer, good environment, and the well-being of competent personnel.
Read our annual report (only in Finnish).