Waste container emptying fees

Käytä verkkopalvelua

Web service

Soita meille 9.00 - 15.00

Telephone exchange 9.00 - 15.00

(Local network charge)

The owner municipalities of Kiertokapula have transferred the responsibility for the tendering and transportation of mixed waste, biowaste, and packaging waste to Kiertokapula. Residential properties arrange waste management for these waste fractions through Kiertokapula's customer service.

Waste container emptying fees in 2025
The tables below show the emptying prices for the most common waste containers. The full waste fee schedule can be accessed here.

MIXED WASTE, Manually movable small containersEmptying Price € (VAT 25.5%)
Waste Container, up to 140 L6,73
Waste Container, up to 240 L8,21
Waste Container, up to 360 L10,01
Waste Container, up to 660 L14,50
BIOWASTE, manually movable small containersEmptying price € (VAT 25.5%), Zones A, B, and CEmptying price € (VAT 25.5%), Zone D
Waste Container, up to 140 L6,4312,86
Waste Container, up to 240 L6,7513,50
PLASTIC PACKAGING, Manually movable small containers
Waste Container, up to 240 L6,3212,64
Waste Container, up to 370 L6,5013,00
Waste Container, up to 660 L7,1714,34
GLASS PACKAGING, Manually movable small containers
Waste Container, up to 240 L6,8613,72
Waste Container, up to 240 L7,0614,12
SMALL METAL ITEMS, Manually movable small containers
Waste Container, up to 240 L6,8613,72
Waste Container, up to 370 L7,0513,10
CARDBOARD PACKAGING, Manually movable small containers
Waste Container, up to 240 L5,1110,22
Waste Container, up to 370 L5,2910,58
Waste Container, up to 660 L5,9611,92
Waste Container, up to 800 L6,3512,70
Additional Waste*8,21 € / 200 L
*Additional waste can be placed next to the waste container, up to a maximum of 1 m³ per emptying. Each piece or package of additional waste can weigh up to 15 kg and must be clearly marked for removal. Biowaste cannot be transported as additional waste and must not be placed outside the waste container. Additional waste must be easy to load, suitable for transport, and comply with waste management regulations. Additional waste will also be charged if the waste container is overfilled to the point that the lid remains open.

Expansion of Collection Obligations in 2024
The obligation to sort biowaste will be extended to all residential and holiday properties in urban areas with at least 5,000 inhabitants. For collection start dates and more information, see: https://kiertokapula.fi/kiinteiston-jatehuolto/biojatteiden-lajitteluvelvoite-pienkiinteistoissa/.

In Zone D, a surcharge according to section 8 of the waste tariff, “Voluntary, Surcharge for Packaging and Biowaste Collection,” will be added to the price of separate collection (plastic, glass, and cardboard packaging, small metal items, and biowaste). The map shows how Zones A, B, C, and D are formed.