Rinse empty packages with cold water if needed. Remove the cap or lid from the rest of the package and sort into collection separately. Only pack packages of the same plastic type inside each other. Plastic packaging can be placed in the collection container as loose items or packed in a plastic bag.
- plastic food packaging (e.g. yoghurt cups, butter tubs, cheese packaging and ready-meal trays)
- detergent packaging
- other household plastic packaging, bottles and jars (e.g. plastic bottles, cans, jars, tubes, packaging for toys, tools, garden, and fishing gear etc.)
- plastic bags, pouches and wrappers
- styrofoam packaging and other plastic fillers
More information
In Finland, packaging waste, i.e. plastic, metal, carton and glass packaging, is subject to producer responsibility, according to which the packaging manufacturers and importers have an obligation to arrange the recycling of these products at their own expense. In Finland, the producer responsibility association for packaging is Finnish Packaging Recycling RINKI Ltd.
Rinki collects packaging at Rinki eco take-back points all over Finland. Find your nearest collection points on the website. Packaging waste is also collected at the waste collection points of apartment building and terraced house properties in accordance with the waste management regulations.