Construction waste

Small actions matter.
Prepare properly for the job
With careful renovation planning, you can save on purchases as well as waste management costs. Transporting waste to recycling or a waste treatment site yourself significantly reduces unnecessary costs.
Construction and demolition work should be planned and carried out to generate as little waste and cause as little harm as possible. It is also important to ensure that any surplus usable materials are recovered and delivered for reuse.
Before starting practical work
- Familiarise yourself with the regional waste management regulations as well as sorting obligations and instructions.
- Also provide instructions for others about sorting on the worksite.
- Find out which materials of the demolition site can be reused.
- Get collection containers/skips close to the source of the waste and arrange the necessary transportation.
The property’s own waste containers are intended for waste generated in normal housing. Only small amounts of construction and demolition waste may be placed in the dry or mixed waste container. For example, a waste container of 241–660 litres may not weigh more than 60 kg when emptied. You can transport sorted construction and demolition waste to a waste treatment site yourself or rent skips and containers for the waste on site. A shipping document is required for the transport of waste generated in connection with large worksites. Fill the waste skips tightly and protect them from rain to avoid unnecessary skip transport and extra weight. Be sure to cover the waste loads during transport.

Make sure that the worksite has sufficient collection equipment and sorting places.
Mark waste containers clearly.
Remember that the best and cheapest waste is waste not created.
Tips for environmentally friendly construction
Renew and recycle
- Renew tile surfaces by painting.
- Sand and paint or varnish panels and parquets instead of replacing them.
- Recycle products and parts in good condition.
Material and equipment purchases
- Use water-soluble paints and varnished as well as vegetable oils, waxes and resins.
- Get only as much materials as is needed.
- Favour heat-treated wood.
- Rent or borrow the necessary work machines and clothes.
- Purchase durable tools and favour plug-in machines and equipment.